These guidelines may not apply to every situation. If you have special considerations or think that you may require further information, please contact Fire Prevention and/or Platoon Chief at the Grande Prairie Fire Department by phoning 780-538-0393. An inspection will only be carried out upon request or if the Grande Prairie Fire Department receives a complaint.


  1. Residential Fire Pits are only allowed in Backyards.
  2. Only registered owners are eligible to take out a Recreational Burning Permit. Renters must show written approval by the owner.
  3. Fire attended by a competent person of 18 years of age or older at all times.
  4. A Fire Pit shall not be located closer than three meters from a property line and from any combustible material, including, but not limited to, buildings, structures, fences, patio decks, trees and foliage as measured from the nearest Fire Pit edge.
  5. A Fire Pit shall not be located less than 0.6 meters laterally from an underground utility line.
  6. The Fire Pit be either dug into the ground, or constructed above ground in a manner which will prevent the fuel from falling out of the container.
  7. The above ground portion of the pit is constructed of stone, masonry, metal, or other non-combustible material.
  8. The Fire Pit should be no more than 3 feet/1 m in diameter or equivalent size if rectangular.
  9. Fire Pit shall be covered by a substantial screen or grate with openings not to exceed 12.5 millimetres/ 1.25 centimeters in any dimension.
  10. Portable manufactured fire pits (including chimineas) shall be located at a safe distance, approximately 10 feet/3 m, from all combustibles (i.e. house, sheds, structures, fences, trees, decks, power lines etc.).
  11. No portable manufactured fire pit (including chimineas) shall be placed on a combustible surface or structure (i.e. wooden decks).
  12. Only burn preservative free wood or wood products.


  1. The bottom of the pit contains approximately 25 cm of gravel or stone.
  2. A ring of sand approximately 15 cm wide is provided around the pit to prevent grass from growing up to the edge of the pit.

NOTE: Conditions under which the fire would be extinguished by the Fire Department:
a) Wind Direction causes smoke nuisance to other properties
b) Unattended fires, not attended to by competent adult
c) The fire exceeds the pit size
d) If the fire creates a special hazard in the opinion of the fire department
e) Burning of Prohibited Debris e.g. grass, rubbish, leaves
f) The property owners do not have a valid permit
g) Fire Ban